Hazlet Clean Communities Service Hours and Troop Fundraiser

Post date: May 24, 2016 5:14:34 PM

We have another opportunity to provide Hazlet Clean Communities with 1 to 1.5 hours of service on Saturday June 11 from 8AM-9/9:30AM at the Hazlet Train Station. The township will provide all materials for the cleanup (you should bring your own work gloves if you have them). 

This is part of a Clean Communities Grant that will provide us with $10 per participant up to 50 participants for a maximum of $500. These funds will be deposited into the Troop account to offset Troop expenses. We need a minimum of 40 participants in the clean up in order to take advantage of this program.

Service Hours and SOTY

This will count towards Service Hours for all Scouts who participate. This event will also be used as a substitute SOTY event. This means any Scouts that were short a SOTY event can attend this event to earn the SOTY award. Scouts must participate for the full time the clean up is running to be credited.

This Community Service Project is Open to Non-Scouts

These hours can count towards National Honor Society, religious or any other community service hours requirements. Please share this information with your friends and family. 

Please email Mr.Borg by Friday, May 27 if you will be able to participate. Include the name of all participants.